As I'm sure you've noticed everything has been switched from yellow/green to PINK! Although Nick and I wanted a boy so very badly, we both had an inkling from the beginning that she was going to be a girl. I'm not going to lie; I was mad. I was more than mad. I don't think I smiled once for the rest of the scan after the tech told us it was a girl. I cried. I cried like a selfish little bitch. But you know what; I'm allowed. And now that I'm over it I can think of all the wonderful things- like what a good Hooters girl she'll make one day. (KIDDING)
Without further adieu:
Our baby girl's profile
Yes, the tech was so excited she used pointer fingers to point out our little one's labia folds. She was far more excited than us.
And now, for the freaky 4D pictures: |
Her face; two eyes, one cute nose, and a mouth.
And my favorite: |
I call this "The Fonz" picture because, well:
That is so cool that you get to have 4d ultrasounds! :-) Congrats!! I can't beleive we have the same due date and now we also have the same gender of baby coming. Hurray for little girls!! :-)