Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 11

Today starts week eleven; meaning a new fruit!

Although a prune might not be the most attractive fruit to imagine our fetus being, It's exciting to be able to go to the grocery store and go, "Honey, Look! Our baby!" 

Not much has changed this week. According to the scale, I'm down another pound; yet my growing belly is saying the opposite. Luckily since I've lost a lot of weight recently my pants still fit, but I'm noticing that my shirts are getting a little too tight around my lower belly. 

Nick and I have an appointment on Thursday to interview a midwife at a birthing center. After hearing the horror stories of pitocin and cervadil used all to commonly in hospitals across the country and the horrifying C-section rate at our OB's hospital (36.2%), I decided if I wanted a natural birth it would be best to start the interview process for midwives in our area. I'm hoping that this birthing center is our answer, because this emotional battle with myself over hospital vs birthing center is just that, a battle. For anyone interested in what I'm talking about, I highly recommend watching the movies The Business of Being Born and Pregnant in America. 

More to come next week on our decision!


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