It's taken a while to process exactly what happened surrounding
Annaliese's birth. Everything happened so fast, I'm not sure exactly where to
begin. If you ask my husband when labor began he would probably joke that I had
been in labor for the entire last half of the month of September.
But the exciting stuff started to happen Saturday, October 8th. I woke
up around 9 to find I had lost my mucus plug, I texted my
doula and waited for Nick to wake up so I could share the news with him. I went to doctor google asking questions like, "how long after you
lose the mucus plug do you go into labor?" I got excited with answers like
"half an hour" and disappointed with the other answers like "2
weeks." We took Saturday to visit with family and attend another couple's
baby shower - trying to keep ourselves preoccupied with something other than
kick starting labor. I went to bed Saturday content and mentally prepared to be
pregnant for another 2 weeks.
I woke up at 10:15 on Sunday morning, disappointed I had slept so
late since I was going to have to get up early for work the next day. I had
been having contractions all weekend so the ones I felt all day were nothing
that hinted to the start of labor. I spent the day in bed, watching 30 Rock on
Netflix and at about 6 o'clock Nick and I made a trip to the Urgent Care Center
because Nick had a pretty bad cough and was running a fever. He had some x-rays
done and was prescribed medicine for Bronchitis and we went on our way. Nick
went to bed at 9 but baby girl was so active I couldn't sleep. She kept me up
until almost 1am with non-stop powerful kicks and rolls. Dr Google told me that
movement slows down as labor approaches, so labor was the last thing on my
mind. I fell asleep thinking about what I was going to wear to work.